We are an I-Car Gold Certified facility.
The Gold Class® recognition is the highest role-relevant training achievement recognized by the collision repair industry. Did you know that there are no government regulations or licenses needed to repair a vehicle? I-CAR’s Gold Class has been around since 1990, is the collision repair industry standard for training, and currently has over 9,000 businesses at this standard.
The Gold Class® recognition is the highest role-relevant training achievement recognized by the collision repair industry.
It is estimated that only 20% of repair shops currently meet the rigorous Gold Class standard. The I-CAR Professional Development Program™ provides collision repair with a reliable training framework for acquiring Gold Class and maintaining the upto-date knowledge and skills that contribute to proper repairs.
When your car has been in a collision, getting it repaired properly is critical for your family’s safety and your peace of mind. But how do you know if a shop has the up-to-date knowledge to repair your vehicle safely?
The Gold Class designation lets you know a collision repair shop has trained technicians who know how to repair your vehicle properly. Approximately 20% of collision repair shops currently complete the rigorous training requirements needed to meet the Gold Class standard.
It takes hundreds of hours of training for the business owners, the managers, and, of course, the technicians. They all must learn to work together to provide a perfect customer experience while delivering superior auto body repair.
As vehicles incorporate more and more new materials and new technologies, current training has become increasingly important for proper repairs. Gold-Class shops are trained to know:
- How to make the right decisions for a safe repair
- How to find hidden damage that others may not see
- The latest repair procedures and technologies
Which parts to repair and which to replace
To be awarded Gold Class, a collision shop must have a team with at least four individuals who are I-CAR Platinum certified in four specific categories. One individual must excel in the following subjects:
- Value Estimator: This person must be able to accurately provide an estimate for collision repair for the customer and/or insurance company.
- Non-Structural Technician: This technician needs to be an expert in body pieces that are not integral to the structure of the vehicle, such as trim, moldings, and other visual body pieces. They learn to remove broken parts and install new pieces, including those that are welded, or pieces held on with a strong adhesive.
- Structural Technician: This person has a very important role, they must know every detail about the structural integrity of a car so they can complete a full reconstruction, including frame straightening using high-powered computers and other equipment.
- Refinish Technician: This is the auto body repair technician who completes the finished work, which includes body sanding and vehicle painting.
Businesses that earn Gold Class status are proud of their accomplishment and will typically display the Gold Class logo prominently in their shop and on their website to help you identify them as highly trained repair facilities.